《美国历史(英汉双语版)》是美国哈佛大学著名历史学教授爱德华·钱宁专为美国学生撰写的一本关于美国历史的权威教材,它对此后的美国历史教科书产生了不朽的影响。全书从欧洲人发现美洲开始,重点讲述了1600~1900期间300年的美国历史。作者试图通过《美国历史》“唤起学生对历史的热爱,而不是死记大量轶事”,因为有些轶事没有多大重要性,有的又基于不可靠的资料。《美国历史》全书分15篇,共45章,归纳了485个知识要点,对学生把握全书的脉络与历史线索很有帮助。《美国历史》采用英汉双语形式出版,中文只是作为内容和阅读形式的一种补充,每章之后配有相应的练习题和教师建议。对国内学生来讲,这套书也是一本很好的英语学习读本。配合英文朗读,对提升英语水平一定更有帮助。The aim of this book is to tell in a simple and concise form the story of the founding and development of the United States. The study of the history of one's own country is a serious matter,and should be entered upon by the text-book writer, by the teacher, and by the pupil in a serious spirit,even to a greater extent than the study of language or of arithmetic. No effort has been made, therefore,to make out of this text-book a story book. It is a text-book pure and simple, and should be used as a text-book, to be studied diligently by the pupil and expounded carefully by the teacher.
BASIC READERS:美国学校现代英语阅读教材BOOK SIX(英文原版)
《Basic Readers》是美国现代时期一套广泛使用的标准化英语阅读课本,在美国学校一直使用到20 世纪70 年代。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》由芝加哥大学阅读研究专家、世界阅读学会首任会长威廉·格雷教授与著名教材专家威廉·爱尔森共同编写。从选文篇幅、词汇难度、故事内容、课后练习、插图使用等方面,编者都做了精心考量。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》以综合培养学生的朗读(oral reading)与默读(silent reading)技巧为目的,让孩子们学会阅读,并通过阅读为今后的人生阶段打下基础。对中国孩子来讲,这是一套循序渐进地进行英语阅读训练的优秀读本。适合从学前阶段开始,向小学和中学阶段扩展训练。本册为第六级,相较前几册难度较大,但是通过正文中加注的单词解释,以及逐级学习的积累,也可以很好地理解书中故事所要传达的内容。同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,让孩子在阅读精彩故事的同时亦能更好练习英语发音。This set of textbook readers was used in the schools of the United States till 1970s. It was the first reading series to enforce strict vocabulary control over selections. William S. Gray, a renowned educational psychologist and reading authority from the University of Chicago became a senior co-author with William H. Elson in creating this series.The authors have attempted to provide an interesting, purposeful, and comprehensive reading course for children. To achieve this purpose the authors have assembled materials from the worldwide field of children’s favorite readings. Thus basic reading attitudes and habits are developed through the purposeful use of interesting and significant content. Using this series of readers, the children can learn to read first, and then read to learn in their future life.
BASIC READERS:美国学校现代英语阅读教材BOOK FIVE(英文原版)
《Basic Readers》是美国现代时期一套广泛使用的标准化英语阅读课本,在美国学校一直使用到20 世纪70 年代。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》由芝加哥大学阅读研究专家、世界阅读学会首任会长威廉·格雷教授与著名教材专家威廉·爱尔森共同编写。从选文篇幅、词汇难度、故事内容、课后练习、插图使用等方面,编者都做了精心考量。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》以综合培养学生的朗读(oral reading)与默读(silent reading)技巧为目的,让孩子们学会阅读,并通过阅读为今后的人生阶段打下基础。对中国孩子来讲,这是一套循序渐进地进行英语阅读训练的优秀读本。适合从学前阶段开始,向小学和中学阶段扩展训练。本册为第五级,从本册开始正文中加注了单词解释,建议阅读前可以先熟悉这些词汇,以减少阅读中因生词而停顿的现象。课后也出现了阅读理解问题,建议学生认真练习。有些题也可以口述做答,训练英语思维与口语。同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,让孩子在阅读精彩故事的同时亦能更好练习英语发音。This set of textbook readers was used in the schools of the United States till 1970s. It was the first reading series to enforce strict vocabulary control over selections. William S. Gray, a renowned educational psychologist and reading authority from the University of Chicago became a senior co-author with William H. Elson in creating this series.The authors have attempted to provide an interesting, purposeful, and comprehensive reading course for children. To achieve this purpose the authors have assembled materials from the worldwide field of children’s favorite readings. Thus basic reading attitudes and habits are developed through the purposeful use of interesting and significant content. Using this series of readers, the children can learn to read first, and then read to learn in their future life.
BASIC READERS:美国学校现代英语阅读教材Primer(彩色英文原版)
《Basic Readers》是美国现代时期一套广泛使用的标准化英语阅读课本,在美国学校一直使用到20 世纪70 年代。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》由芝加哥大学阅读研究专家、世界阅读学会首任会长威廉·格雷教授与著名教材专家威廉·爱尔森共同编写。从选文篇幅、词汇难度、故事内容、课后练习、插图使用等方面,编者都做了精心考量。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》以综合培养学生的朗读(oral reading)与默读(silent reading)技巧为目的,让孩子们学会阅读,并通过阅读为今后的人生阶段打下基础。对中国孩子来讲,《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》是一套循序渐进地进行英语阅读训练的优秀读本。适合从学前阶段开始,向小学和中学阶段扩展训练。本册为入门级读本,配有大量生动插图,阅读内容也为孩子们所熟悉,可由家长带领孩子一起完成学习。同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,让孩子在阅读精彩故事的同时亦能更好练习英语发音。This set of textbook readers was used in the schools of the United States till 1970s. It was the first reading series to enforce strict vocabulary control over selections. William S. Gray, a renowned educational psychologist and reading authority from the University of Chicago became a senior co-author with William H. Elson in creating this series.The authors have attempted to provide an interesting, purposeful, and comprehensive reading course for children. To achieve this purpose the authors have assembled materials from the worldwide field of children’s favorite readings. Thus basic reading attitudes and habits are developed through the purposeful use of interesting and significant content. Using this series of readers, the children can learn to read first, and then read to learn in their future life.
美国学生经典文学读本:Graded Literature Readers(全二册·英汉双语版)
《美国学生经典文学读本:Graded Literature Readers》内容精选并翻译自美国芝加哥大学第二任校长哈里·P. 贾德森教授主编的《美国学生文学读本》英文原版(共8 册),分为上下册。《美国学生经典文学读本》全套书以英汉双语对照形式出版,图文并茂,便于让国内学生更好地阅读英语文学,感受英语语言的魅力。《美国学生经典文学读本》全套书可以伴随学生从小学直至高中阶段,同时也适合成人英语学习者提高英语水平使用。《美国学生经典文学读本》从文章所涉内容来看,有故事、童话、传记、诗歌、旅游、历险、历史、自然、科学等。每课列出了重点难点词汇并加上英文注释,课后附有相应词汇、语法与阅读理解等练习,帮助读者更好地理解原文、训练英语阅读与表达。This series of literature readers is edited by the president of the University of Chicago Harry Pratt Judson, as to supply almost the only reading of many children, and stimulate their taste for good literature and awaken interest in a wide range of subjects.In the Graded Literature Readers good literature has been presented as early as possible, and the classical tales and fables are largely used. Nature study has received due attention. The lessons on scientific subjects, though necessarily simple at first, preserve always a strict accuracy.These books have been prepared with the hearty sympathy and very practical assistance of many distinguished educators in different part of the United States, including some of the most successful teachers of reading in primary, intermediated, and advanced grades.We believe that Graded Literature Readers disclose a broader knowledge of literature, better taste and judgment in its selections.A great consideration governing the choice of all selections has been that they shall interest children. The difficulty of learning to read is to minimized when the interest is aroused. School readers, which supply almost the only reading of many children, should stimulate a taste for good literature and awaken interest in a wide range of subjects.—Harry Pratt Judson(The 2nd president of the University of Chicago)
本书包含《超实用15000词分类速记》《超实用英语口语1000句》共两册。 《超实用15000词分类速记》收录生活、学习和工作中的各类单词,共分为20个大场景,包括日常交际、健康养生、校园职场、体育运动、人文历史、商务经济、科技、政治、军事、法律等。针对这20个大场景,本书细分为448个小的情景,每个情景给出该语境下最常用到的30~50个单词和表达。每个情景都分为三步来讲解,帮你循序渐进掌握单词的用法。第一步——单词,给出音标和释义。第二步——必会用法,给出该单词的实用短语和常用搭配。第三步——学以致用,给出简短对话,学习单词在口语中如何使用,或给出与该情景相关的小知识。 《超实用英语口语1000句》收录生活、学习、工作中的各个场景,共分为18个大场景,包括基本交流、情感态度、人际交往、社交媒体、课堂内外、求职面试、外出就餐、休闲娱乐、运动健身、购物消费、生病就医、恋爱结婚、交通出行、观光旅游等。本书又将这18个大场景细分为188个小的情景,每个情景都分为三步来讲解:Step 1——必备词汇记起来,给出该情景下的高频词汇,帮助读者筑牢词汇基础;Step 2——实用句子记起来,给出当前情景常用的实用句子,帮助读者积累常用句子,任何情景都有话可说;Step 3——情景对话练起来,基于Step 2的实用句子编写了真实对话,内容有趣、语言地道,教你学以致用,同时熏陶语感!针对“情景对话”部分,本书还补充了“生词小注”模块和“文化小站”模块,帮助读者减轻难词负担,积累地道表达,理解文化知识。